Bernice Lovato

Bernice Lovato

Passionate beer aficionado. Certified travel enthusiast. Passionate music expert. Passionate twitter guru. Extreme food enthusiast.

24 Author´s Articles
Talking About Your STD Status With a Potential Partner

Talking About Your STD Status With a Potential Partner

If you discover that you have an STD while in a relationship, such as dating with herpes, it is crucial to have an open...

What Should I Do If My Partner Has an STD and Doesn't Want to Tell Me About It?

What Should I Do If My Partner Has an STD and Doesn't Want to Tell Me About It?

The most beneficial thing you can do is to listen to your partner's worries and anxieties and provide them with...

What Should I Do If My Partner Has an STD and Isn't Willing to Get Treated Properly?

What Should I Do If My Partner Has an STD and Isn't Willing to Get Treated Properly?

If you are not in a monogamous relationship, it is important to notify your other sexual partners who have been exposed...

What to Do When Your Partner Has an STD and Won't Use Protection

What to Do When Your Partner Has an STD and Won't Use Protection

When it comes to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), prevention is key. If you or your partner has an STD, it's...

Talking About Sexual Health: How to Make Sure Your Partner is Being Honest

Talking About Sexual Health: How to Make Sure Your Partner is Being Honest

Talking about a person's sexual health is an important step in protecting yourself and your partner from sexually...

Protecting Yourself When Dating With an STD

Protecting Yourself When Dating With an STD

Having an STD can be a difficult thing to deal with, especially when it comes to herpes dating. It's important to protect ...

What to Do When Dating Someone with an STD

What to Do When Dating Someone with an STD

Dating can be a tricky business, especially when it comes to discussing sensitive topics like sexually transmitted...

Protecting Your Relationship from STDs: What You Need to Know

Protecting Your Relationship from STDs: What You Need to Know

Knowing your STD status is an essential step in stopping STD transmission. If you know you're infected, you can take...

Protecting Yourself and Your Partner from STDs

Protecting Yourself and Your Partner from STDs

When it comes to protecting yourself and your partner from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), it's important to take...

How to Ensure Your Partner is Being Honest About Sexual Activity and Risks

How to Ensure Your Partner is Being Honest About Sexual Activity and Risks

Talking to your partner before having sex is essential for an honest and healthy relationship. It's normal to feel...

Protecting Yourself and Your Partner from STDs

Protecting Yourself and Your Partner from STDs

It's important to take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your partner from sexually transmitted diseases...

What to Do When Your Partner Has an STD and Doesn't Want Treatment

What to Do When Your Partner Has an STD and Doesn't Want Treatment

If you and your partner have had unprotected sex, it's important to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)....

What to Do When Your Partner Has an STD and Isn't Willing to Talk About It

What to Do When Your Partner Has an STD and Isn't Willing to Talk About It

If you discover that you have an STD while you're in a relationship, it's important to talk to your partner as soon as...

How to Talk to Your Partner About Condom Use

How to Talk to Your Partner About Condom Use

If your partner doesn't want to use a condom (or doesn't want you to), you can simply say something like: “We can use a ...

What Should I Do If My Partner Has an STD and Isn't Willing to Get Tested Regularly?

What Should I Do If My Partner Has an STD and Isn't Willing to Get Tested Regularly?

It is the responsibility of each individual to protect themselves in their sexual relationships. This means that you...

How to Talk to Your Partner About STDs

How to Talk to Your Partner About STDs

Encouraging your partner to ask questions is a great way to start a conversation about sexually transmitted diseases...

Are You Dating Someone Safe with an STD?

Are You Dating Someone Safe with an STD?

Are you std dating someone and wondering if they are a safe person to be with when it comes to sexually transmitted...

Dating with an STI: How to Find Support and Stay Safe

Dating with an STI: How to Find Support and Stay Safe

Dating can be a daunting experience for anyone, but it can be especially challenging for those living with an STI. It's...

How to Make Sure Your Partner is Being Honest About Their STD Status

How to Make Sure Your Partner is Being Honest About Their STD Status

It's important to have an honest conversation with your partner about their STD status before engaging in any kind of...

Protecting Yourself and Your Partner from STDs

Protecting Yourself and Your Partner from STDs

When it comes to protecting yourself and your partner from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), it's important to take...

Everything You Need to Know About STDs and Sexual Health

Everything You Need to Know About STDs and Sexual Health

When it comes to sexual health, it's important to be informed about the potential risks and how to protect yourself....