What to Do When Your Partner Has an STD and Isn't Willing to Talk About It

If you discover that you have an STD while you're in a relationship, it's important to talk to your partner as soon as possible. Honesty is key, even if you haven't been in the past. Your partner may be upset, even angry, and that can be difficult to deal with. Before starting to worry about how the news will be received, Dr.

Goje advises you to learn everything you can about your diagnosis. When you're well-versed and know what you're up against, it's easier to explain everything to your partner or family members. Goje suggests being open, honest and realistic about your conversation. There are a lot of variables and a lot of emotions involved. Sure, you want to hope for the best, but you can also prepare for the worst.

Goje urges you to continue to be honest about your diagnosis, even if your relationship is new or casual. If you think about it, if your partner finds out that they have an STI, you want them to tell you so that you can take the necessary steps to protect your health, right? Extend that same courtesy to them, especially if the relationship has the potential to become serious. While some partners will be a rock at all times, others may get angry or a little mean. Goje says that these feelings can come from shame (if they really were the source) or from fear. If you think your partner could become extremely annoying, threatening, or violent, put your safety first.

Goje suggests talking to your partner in a public space with lots of people around. You can also have someone you trust when you talk to that person. Goje stresses that blaming yourself is never the answer. Also, keep in mind that while you may think that your recent diagnosis is a new problem, there's always a chance that it isn't. While some of these conditions last a lifetime, they can be managed properly.

Goje adds that if you're the one who gets the news from a colleague, ask questions. If they can explain in detail what they have and explain to you how they are controlling their STIs, this will indicate that they are taking control very seriously. You may not know what to do if your partner hasn't told you that he has herpes or another sexually transmitted infection (STI). And it's also important to know how to tell your partner if you have an STI. If you think you have an STD or have questions about STDs, talk to a doctor, sexual health clinic, or student health center. Stick to the facts and try to be understanding and understanding, and hopefully you and your partner can find a way to work together on this health problem. If you want to be tested for STIs privately and easily, consider testing for STDs at home for men or women.

You or your partner may have had the sexually transmitted disease in a previous relationship without even knowing it. So how do you talk about STIs with a new partner? We've summarized some tips to help you feel comfortable and get the most out of this conversation. When you're ready to have a safe sexual conversation with your partner, we've created a game called “I've Never Done It, Never” that you can play as an icebreaker and learn more about your partner's sexual health and limits. If you get a positive result on a sexually transmitted test, such as chlamydia or syphilis, and you're pretty sure that your partner has contracted it, then it's important to talk to that person about it as soon as possible. If something makes you uncomfortable or isn't aligned with your values, and you decide not to be intimate with a potential partner, that's okay too. If you put yourself in your partner's shoes, imagine how you would feel if they approached you and said “I tested positive for an STI”. Be sure to stick to what you think is best for you and your health, and know what your limits or limitations are, even if you and your partner don't agree. When you're in a new relationship, it might not feel more fun or comfortable talking about topics like testing and preventing STDs, especially with all the misinformation and stigma surrounding sexually transmitted infections.

If you and your partner decide not to have sex (vaginal, anal, or oral sex), there are other ways you can be intimate or express your feelings for each other. There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about STIs, so it's important to read about the topic and be prepared to answer your partner's questions. After talking and establishing safe sex guidelines with your partner, reward yourself with some time as a couple.

Bernice Lovato
Bernice Lovato

Passionate beer aficionado. Certified travel enthusiast. Passionate music expert. Passionate twitter guru. Extreme food enthusiast.

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