Talking About Sexual Health: How to Make Sure Your Partner is Being Honest

Talking about a person's sexual health is an important step in protecting yourself and your partner from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It's best to have an honest conversation with your partner before engaging in any sexual activity. To ensure that your partner is being honest about their sexual history and any past STDs they may have had, it's important to do your research, choose the right place to talk, and be prepared for any reaction. Before talking to your partner, it's important to read up on STDs and make sure you know the facts.

Reliable websites such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), Planned Parenthood, or the local health department can provide valuable information on reproductive health, prevention of HIV and STIs, and family planning. When it comes to talking about sexual health, it's important to choose the right place. A quiet, peaceful place with no interruptions is ideal. If possible, organize a comfortable setup at home.

Be prepared for any negative reaction and don't do the same. It's important to understand that not everyone will accept or forgive right away. Whenever you have sex with someone who has an STI or whose STI status you are not aware of, transmitting an STI is a risk. Therefore, getting tested, understanding your sexual health status, and treating your STI if you test positive are some of the best ways to protect yourself and others from STIs. Once you and your partner have been tested for STIs, it's important to discuss ways to prevent an STI in the future. If you think you have an STD or have questions about STDs, talk to a doctor, sexual health clinic, or student health center.

If you and your partner decide not to have sex (vaginal, anal, or oral sex), there are other ways you can be intimate or express your feelings for each other. Antibiotics can often cure many sexually transmitted bacterial and parasitic infections such as gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis. Be sure to stick to what you think is best for you and your health, even if you and your partner disagree. To help you and your partner start a conversation about safe sex, there are printable conversation starters available that address important topics when it comes to safe sex, STIs, and STI prevention. When talking about positive test results with your partner, it's normal to feel a little uncomfortable; however, it's important to be honest and direct. Talking about sexual health can be difficult but it's essential for protecting yourself and your partner from STIs.

Doing research on reliable websites such as the CDC or WHO can help ensure that you know the facts before talking to your partner. Choose a quiet place with no interruptions where both of you feel comfortable discussing sexual health. Be prepared for any reaction from your partner and remember that getting tested is one of the best ways to protect yourself from STIs.

Bernice Lovato
Bernice Lovato

Passionate beer aficionado. Certified travel enthusiast. Passionate music expert. Passionate twitter guru. Extreme food enthusiast.

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